Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/20/12- Pot Roast, Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus

I often take home cooked meals for granted because I live so close to home and can have them pretty much whenever. This meal was one of my parents regular dishes they make because it is so easy- throw a roast in the crockpot in the morning and let that bad boy cook all day. Pot roast has a nostalgia for me because my mom has been making it since I have been eating full meals. It is such a perfect family meal because once it is in the crockpot all the work is done accept for the sides. I must say it is nice to go home have a meal waiting for on the dinner, especially because I am usually the one who does the cooking at home because of my newly acquired skills and knowledge. Eat at home as much as you can because nothing is better than a home cooked meal.

2/19/12- The Spot Turkey Club Sandwich Combo

This sandwich and chip duo is from The Spot, the local sandwich and smoothie place a couple doors down from my work. The Spot was originally a Robek's but the owner saw a market for sandwiches and wanted to expand. The Robek's franchise wouldn't let him sell sandwiches so he broke away  and started his own place. They have a menu with about 7 different paninis, coffee, smoothies and fresh juices. The sandwich wasn't anything amazing but it was a decent sandwich, nothing I couldn't make at home. I like to support places like this because I know the owner cares about his business and wants to succeed. I would definitely return because it is in a convenient location and I would like to see what else they offer.

Monday, February 20, 2012

2/18/12- Bruxie's Belgain Waffle Burger and Irish Nachos

Those two pictures are the proof one of the best meals I have had in a while, all credit to Bruxie's gourmet belgian waffle sandwiches. I love innovative crazy combinations like this that turn out to be so delicious you wonder why no one thought of it sooner. Their menu consists of all kinds of crazy combinations sweet and savory ranging from mushrooms & goat cheese to s'mores. The best part was definitely the Irish nachos which is criss cut fries as the apparatus for all the awesomeness in the picture above. I don't think I have ever had something so delicious that was served in a plastic basket, the cheese sauce was so creamy. This idea is just pure genius and if it wasn't so far (Brea and Orange) I would be going there on a weekly basis to try all the different things on their menu. It was located in a shopping center with a lot of other trendy modern places as well, I think I have found a new restaurant jackpot. If you haven't been here do yourself a favor and GO NOW!

2/17/12- Sweet Chili Glazed Pork Tenderloin, Zucchini, and Caramelized Toast

My mom conned me in to taking dinner at home but it ended up turning out quite delicious. I always love cooking pork tenderloin because it is so versatile and always comes out perfect. This time I used a sweet chili glaze got a nice sear on it in a saute pan then put it in the oven until it was cooked to the doneness above (as known as pretty damn perfect). The bread is sweet hawaiian bread, it was meant for sandwiches but I made the best of it and buttered it up then added sugar to caramelize like creme brulee. The caramelized sugar gave it a nice sweetness to go with the sweet chili in the pork tenderloin. Then just sauteed some zucchini real quick, nothing too crazy. I have been working on my plating presentation in my cooking class because it needs some work, this is nicer than usually plate when eating at home. My professor would of docked me a couple points for going over the border of the plate but it's the thought that counts right?

2/16/12- Capri Deli Hot Pastrami Sandwich

There is two things I judge a deli by- their pastrami and their lunch line, Capri Deli passed the test with flying colors. Pastrami sandwich is one of my quest is to find the best ever made and I must say this one is a contender or even the frontrunner. I got there at 11:30 which happened to be perfect timing because just as I finished my sandwich there was a line of about 10 people, which is impressive for a little deli like this one. Another indicator of a great quick service type place is if people are eating by themselves, I was one of three people eating by myself and probably more would of followed I'm sure. They also have a fridge full of vintage sodas which is always a nice compliment to a delicious sandwich. I would give more indicators but I don't have anymore, bottom-line it was a great sandwich.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/15/12- Caffe Allegro Penne Explosive

Caffe Allegro is another one of those tiny little Italian places that I just really love, it seems so much more authentic when the restaurant only has ten tables. Fresh bread dipped in balsamic and olive oil is the only way to start off a meal like this and it only got better from there. Penne being my favorite type of pasta I often gravitate to it on the menu, this one was a good choice. Its a arrabiata (spicy) tomato sauce with spicy sausage with a little basil garnish on top, the Fettucine Carbanora that my mom got was also very good (I had the leftovers for breakfast the next day). The server wasn't very personable but it didn't affect the service too much, overall it was a nice experience. So if you can find more little Italian restaurants like this, go to them you will not be disappointed.

2/14/12- Fresh & Easy Chipotle Chicken Sandwich and Tropical Trail Mix

This day being Valentines Day and me having to work the dinner shift I was forced to blog about the quick lunch I caught from Fresh & Easy. The best part about Fresh and Easy is the price of their delicious sandwiches, salads and pre made meals, not a single one is over $5 (salads are 2 for $7) and some of them are as cheap as $2.50. This whole meal was just under $6 and it was a very balance meal at that. I have pretty much tried almost all the meals at Fresh and Easy and I am yet to find one I don't like so if you are looking for a cheap, healthy and quick meal stop by Fresh and Easy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2/13/12- Jamba Juice Coldbuster

Jamba Juice smoothie isn't exactly a gourmet meal but I didn't get a chance to catch anything too fancy so I thought this would do (it is my blog after all). I have been fighting a cold lately so I figured I would actually use those dumb powders they put in the smoothies to my advantage for once. The coldbuster is an orange, mango and banana flavored smoothie with immunity and antioxidant boost. It was very tasty and it helped me kick the cold to the curb. Jamba Juice also has a secret menu similar to In-N-Out which they make different combinations with the ingredients they have such as Red Gummi Bear, Skittles, Pink Starburst and Push Up Pop, I personally haven't tried to order any of them I have only heard rumors of them. So next to you have a couple extra dollars and have a sweet tooth grab a smoothie it will do the trick. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

2/12/12- Casa de Salsa Jalapeño Cheeseburger

It's not often I order a burger in a Mexican restaurant but Casa De Salsa is right next to the restaurant I work and people kept talking about it so I thought would try it for myself. As a burger connoisseur this one was pretty good, not call the newspaper or marry the burger good but it was a well put together burger. In addition to the jalapeños on top there was a bleu cheese dressing on the bottom- good tangy, spicy combination. The onion rings were a $2 upgrade from the fries but I will take onions over fries any day of the week two dollars or not. Being the neighboring restaurant to the one that employees me I dont expect too much from them but they have some good stuff going on like the Sunday brunch buffet and all the Mexican classics. If I can learn anything from this meal is that a good meal can come from the most unexpected places, so switch it up next time you go out to eat.   

2/11/12- Some Crust Oatmeal Raisin Cookie & Raspberry Pinwheel

As more of a savory cook and not much of a dessert guy the sweet stuff has been neglected on my blog so I thought I would stop by one my favorite bakeries of all time, Some Crust Bakery. They were making awesome cookies, cupcakes and cakes way before whole cupcake and red velvet phase came in, 1916 to be exact. My personal favorite is the oatmeal raisin cookie I can't find a better oatmeal raisin cookie anywhere at all, it's simply the best. It's nostalgic for me because I use to walk the Claremont village with my family when I was younger and always get an oatmeal raisin cookie. But that's not all they have, they have so many good pastries I couldn't begin to name them all but the one on the left is a pinwheel (kind of like a danish but so much better). They also do custom cookies and cakes for any occasion, they are just a little bakery that has been doing things right for almost a hundred years. So if you are ever in the Claremont village and find yourself with a sweet tooth, stop by Some Crust get one of their delectable pastries. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

2/10/12- A Good Day for Eating

Usually I only get one good deal a day and the others fall into place but this day I got two great meals as you can see above. The first meal was a Cuban Panini from the Corner Butcher Shop, which is a premium butcher shop that also has delicious barbecue and sandwiches. Butcher shops are making a revival with the whole foodie movement that has risen the last couple years. So if there is a local butcher shop by you stop by and see what they have to offer, I am pretty sure they have some kind of specialty that you can't get at a grocery store butcher.
The second two snap shots are from a some what of a new and upcoming brewpub, Lazy Dog Cafe, is similar to Bj's or Yardhouse for having their own beers on tap and being a bar with better than traditional bar food. I got a wedge salad to start it off then ahi fish tacos for the entree and it was great meal. The menu is very eclectic having everything from wok fried items to lamb stroganoff. It is a pretty cool concept having dog bones and dog things all over the restaurant but still keeping up the brewpub identity. Just glancing over the website it looks like it started with a couple cool guys that just wanted to make good food and beer which I admire. So if you get a chance stop the Lazy Dog Cafe it's definitely a rising star in the bar world. 

2/9/12- Farmer Boys Chicken Bacon Avocado Sandwich and Chili Fries

I often go with the combo when I eat for a blog post but my brother uttered two magical words, chili fries, and the decision was made. These two lovely dishes are from the "original fastaurant" Farmer Boys which is pretty much a quick service restaurant with a drive thru serving breakfast all day and the classic sandwiches and burgers. Bacon and Avocado are the ultimate flavor enhancers and putting them together in one sandwich makes it even better. Ordering a chicken sandwich rather than burger also makes me feel a little more healthy about myself until I eat the chili fries so it all evens out in the end. I am personally not a big breakfast guy but they do serve breakfast all day long which is definitely a plus for a place like this. So if you are looking for a good burger, sandwich or even an omelette you will wait a tad bit longer but it is always worth the wait at Farmer Boys.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2/8/12- Lee's Grilled Pork Sandwich and Thai Tea

Ever since seeing the Nom Nom Truck on The Great Food Truck I have been trying to find the Banh Mi pork sandwich in other places with no knowledge of where it comes and I have found a couple since then including this one from Lee's Sandwiches. For some reason all Vietnamese style pork sandwiches are really cheap like $3 cheap and honestly I feel like as a delectable sandwich I really think they are selling themselves short but until they realize that I will gladly only pay a couple dollars for it. The sandwich consists of grilled pork, julienne carrots, cilantro and jalapeños and oh boy is it delicious (also like to add sriracha). Unfortunately this meal wasn't as cheap as I thought because for some reason the Thai Tea was $5 but I didn't mind that much because the sandwich was so cheap and it's a great combo. What I also realized is you can get these pork sandwiches at most Pho restaurants (which are everywhere as of lately), so if you haven't tried a Vietnamese pork sandwich try one it's the price to flavor ratio king hands down.   

2/7/12- Senor Baja Fish Tacos

I am on an unofficial quest to find the best fish tacos ever made but it has been on hold lately until I had these delicious fish tacos from Senor Baja. I always say that stuff I eat is top 5 material because I love almost everything I eat but these tacos were pretty damn delicious. I would say outside of San Diego these are the best fish tacos I have had and to make them even better on Wednesdays they are $1, normally $1.65 a steal as far as I am concern a deal the other 6 days of the week. I am not a particularly big fan of fish as an entree in a restaurant such as salmon or tilapia but there is just something about fish tacos that is just so tasty (the fact that they are fried helps). So if you would like to join me on this quest or have any recommendations of great fish taco places let me know I am always in for awesome new places to eat.

2/4/12- Subway Februany Buffalo Chicken Footlong

It was only a matter of time when I forgot to post one of my meals and 2/4 was the day. Subway isn't the most finest dining place but it is Februany, meaning all their sandwiches are $5 dollars, which is a steal for most of their sandwiches. My original goal was to find the most expensive sandwich and take full advantage of the opportunity but there was so many options I decided one that I haven't had in a while- Buffalo Chicken. I get all the vegetables whenever I go to Subway to get the most for my money but everyone does their sandwich different, I can't really tell you how to order it. So if you didn't know already about the $5 footlong month go to Subway it's worth a Lincoln bill.

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6/12- Chicken Plate Up in Professional Cooking

We are finally making full plate ups in class with a protein, starch and a vegetable as opposed to the the last time where it was a just soup and vegetables. This is grilled chicken, green beans and risotto, I predominantly made the risotto which ended up being the best one out of all the groups (I'm pretty proud of that). In the back if you look carefully is an herb & fontina cheese stuff airline chicken breast which was also delicious. It is really cool to be finally making full meals and then eating all your creations right after just in time for dinner. I never would of thought I would have a class where I learn who to make and then  eat awesome dishes like risotto but I guess that's the upside of being a hospitality major. But if you haven't tried a well made risotto you should as soon as possible because you are missing out, maybe I will make it for you if you ask nicely.

2/5/12- Super Bowl Feasting

The best part about the Super Bowl isn't only the game but all the awesome food that people bring to the party, I tried to find one picture to sum up all the delectable ideas available but this was the best I could do. Being a Giants fan I actually watched the game but most of my friends were not doing the same. As the most knowledge about food and cooking in my house led to me cooking these steaks and sausages for my friends but they weren't the only things being eaten on this wonderful day- there was all kinds of chips, dips, popcorn, wings, fries, hot dogs, carne asada and everything. Overall it was just a great day for eating for everyone which a guy like me really appreciates. So eat well and befriend a chef they might cook you a good meal or two.

2/3/12- La Piccoletta Orecchiette

With 300 seat casual dining chain restaurants being so prevalent you don't often see a little 30 seat restaurant with a short, simple menu doing it right like La Piccoletta. La Piccoletta is in one of the back alley of the Claremont village that has a dining room the size of my bedroom and a kitchen the size of my bathroom making it a very special and intimate dining experience for everyone. The menu is very simple with only a few entrees and appetizers but its all simply delicious. I ordered the Orecchiette (above) and it had sausage, broccoli rabe, peppercinis and butter sauce, it was quite delicious. The best part about the place is you can see the chef make your food because it's an open kitchen, which gives it more a personal feel. So if you haven't to La Piccoletta and you can find it check it out, it's a little taste of Italy.

2/2/12- Mix Bowl Pad Thai

I often feel guilty when going to Thai restaurants and only ordering Pad Thai because it is so stereotypical (it's like ordering a cheeseburger everywhere you go) but Mix Bowl's Pad Thai is so tasty I just couldn't help it. Mix Bowl is the best Thai food in Pomona and one of the better Thai food places I have been to in the area. They have a very large menu with every Thai dishes you can think of and the best part is they are until 2 am making them some the best food available at that hour. I got that beautiful dish and a Boba milk tea and as far dollar to flavor ratio this was close to the top, $6.95 for the Pad Thai and $2.75 for the Boba. So if you don't have a local Thai food place or haven't had Thai in a while check out Mix Bowl. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/1/12- Shogun Assortment of Rolls

This one was a little pricey but it was definitely spicey, you pay the price for good sushi and Shogun is one of the best. I take in the amount of people in my family that I have convert to liking sushi, I was originally the only one and now everyone likes it. I would give the names of the rolls but each individual sushi place has their own names for the rolls with the exception of a few common ones. Of the bunch my favorite was the one in the back that was a spicy tuna roll with seared albacore on top, the seared albacore alone was worth the price of the roll. The great thing about sushi is it's easily sharable, three of us shared these four rolls and it was the perfect amount of food. I personally like the spicy tuna rolls but everything is good in my opinion so if Shogun isn't your local sushi place, go to yours and enjoy. 

1/31/12- Z Pizza Small Italian Pizza

I have exhausted a lot of my quick service restaurant resources to eat at so I had find a place that wasn't one of my regular spots; Z Pizza just might become one of my regular spots. Quick service pizza places are starting to become more popular and Z Pizza is one of the better ones. They have all kinds of pizzas, salads and sandwiches, I got the Italian because I really didn't know what to order and it was pretty delcious. It had a basil pesto instead of the usual tomato sauce which gave it a good twist and you can never go wrong with artichokes on anything. If you are looking for a good, quick and fairly inexpensive pizza check out Z Pizza there is new locations opening up all the time. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12- Bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs, Dates, Jalapeños and Cheesy Mashed Potatoes with Bacon

I have a near intimate relationship with bacon and anything that has bacon in it and I am in charge on Brotherhood Dinners in my fraternity so I decided to make a bacon on bacon on bacon meal- it was a success. Everyone knows about bacon wrapped hot dogs and most know about bacon wrapped jalapeños but the hidden gem in this meal are the bacon wrapped dates (bottom left). Bacon wrapped dates are the perfect mix of salty and sweet if you haven't tried them don't live another day without them. There has been mashed potatoes in almost all my homemade meals because they are simple to make and delicious but these ones were a little more special with the bacon mixed in them. And lastly bacon wrap more things in your life and always remember if it's good, it's better with bacon.

1/29/12- Rubio's Steak Street Tacos and Fish Taco

Those four lovely tacos are from Rubio's Baja Grill, the three on the left were a part of the combo and the fish taco was an addition. I was really hungry and saw three taco combo not thinking that they would be this small so doing damage control I got an original fish taco as well. This is the first meal that I have posted on my blog that I was a little disappointed about but it's my fault, should of went with the original. On the contrary they have delicious fish tacos, in the fried category they are in my top five. So if you are looking for some good fish tacos or some fresh type mexican food check out Rubio's.

1/28/12- Panera Half Steak & White Cheddar Panini and A Cup of Tomato Soup

I have been the QSR (quick service restaurant) king lately because it's the most bang for the buck and blogging fast food is pretty tacky. If you didn't notice already this half and half combo that's the best of both worlds is from Panera Bread. I'm on a quest to find the best tomato soup and believe it or not Panera is the winner thus far, it is just simply delicious and it always a fixture in my Panera meal. The sandwich on the other hand was also very tasty and the newest addition to their paninis but I usually try something new every time I go; whatever sandwich I get dipping the first couple bites in the soup while it is still pipping hot is one of the finer things in life. They also have good ice tea if you like that kind of thing but stop by Panera if you haven't lately so it's delicious.

Friday, January 27, 2012

1/27/12- Lemon Pepper Chicken, Ratatouille and Mashed Potatoes

As I learn how to make different things in my professional cooking, my homemade meals improve. My friend Cori showed me how to butcher a chicken so the only thing is to cook with it after it, so we got a Lawry's lemon pepper marinade for the chicken, made a couple side dishes and it was a meal. We made ratatouille in class the other day in class and the best about it is it sounds so fancy but it is just a simple, delicious vegetable side dish. I often cook square meals with a protein, starch and vegetable because that's how my mom taught me to cook and as they say mamma knows best.  I posted two pictures this time in effort to improve my photography and move away from the flat boring pictures I have been taking. Being able to butcher a chicken is a good skill to have especially when whole chickens are cheaper than buying each part separately so here's a quick version How To Butcher a Chicken so if you didn't know now you know.

1/26/12- The Hat Pastrami Dip

This bread and meat apparatus of awesome called a pastrami dip is from The Hat. Is a bit of a hybrid being a quick service style restaurant but it also has a drive thru. They have a pretty concise menu of great sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs but what they are most famous for is their pastrami (above) and their chili fries that come in a portion enough to feed a small family of five. There are ten locations all round southern California which makes it really accessible for almost anyone in the area. It is a place I have been going to since I was a kid, they also have a killer turkey avocado sandwich, so the chili fries remind me of my childhood which makes it even more delicious so if you want a great meal stop by The Hat but remember the small fries are enough for two or three and the large is enough for a family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1/25/12- The Back Abbey Burger

Words cannot really describe the deliciousness of The Back Abbey Burger, it is just the perfect combination of flavors (bacon, gouda, caramelized onions and well cooked patty), very high in umami. To compliment that delicious burger is the belgian style fries that are fried in duck fat (making them so scrumptious), although they are served a la carte but at $5 for a half order and $8 for a full order they are definitely worth the extra couple dollars. The Back Abbey is a Belgian style pub and their selection is strictly beers imported directly from the Europe, which makes it a little hard to order but the servers are very knowledgeable of the beer list and can recommend something similar to your domestic favorite. Quite frankly, it is just a men's dream of a restaurant with delicious burgers and sandwiches, manly salads (they actually have a salad called the man salad) and an amazing selection of beer. So if you are trying to get a taste of Belgium or a fantastic burger go to the Back Abbey you will not regret it one bit. 

1/24/12- Flame Broiler Works Bowl

That bowl full of good stuff is from Flame Broiler, the quick service teriyaki bowl chain. They claim to be the rice bowl king and for a chain restaurant they are making some pretty good stuff. What I like about eating Flame Broiler is I feel like I am eating something that is healthy without sacrificing flavor- I NEVER sacrifice flavor for healthiness. If you get the works, chicken veggie or beef veggie you get the assortment of cabbage, broccoli and carrots which is a good addition to the chicken or beef and the rice. They have a really good teriyaki sauce that's called magic sauce that goes perfect with sriracha on top of the bowl. If you are ever wanting a quick, delicious and healthy option stop by flame broiler.

Monday, January 23, 2012

1/23/12- Split Pea Soup, Ratatouille, and Two Types of Green Beans

This nice little plate up is the final product of my professional cooking at Cal Poly Pomona. I find it to be pretty cool that when my friends are working on Physics and Calculus, I am studying the proper method to cook different types of produce. Last week we made a couple of the mother sauces and mayonaise so it wasn't anything blog worthy but this one had a little more substance. It was the vegetable cookery day so that is why there is only vegetables on this plate up. All of these recipes were very easy to follow and turned out pretty well, out of six groups we made the best ratatouille. The best part of it all is we back a full  portion, plate up a small taste and we get to eat the rest. I don't think very many people can say they learned how to make split pea soup in class but I can.

1/22/12- Tacos Jalisco Tacos and Horchata

Those three lovely tacos are from my local taco joint, Tacos Jalisco. It is one lengua, one carnitas and one carne asada taco and as you can see they all look the same so I don't know which one is which. Jaliscos is just your average taco joint that just makes really good tacos and burritos. I like other people find one taco joint and stick with it, Tacos Jalisco being mine. This meal was more of fourth meal but usually I get a variety of different types of tacos (five or six), squeeze a little lime on top and they are a little taste of mexico a couple minutes away. I often see buying beverages at restaurant to be a waste of money (it costs 10 cents for $3 drink) but I never pass up on some delicious horchata or orange bang. So go to your local taco joint in the near future, you won't regret it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

1/21/12-Union on Yale Butchers Pizza

That circle of cheesy love is from the newest restaurant in the Claremont village, Union on Yale. It's a very modern, hipster friendly restaurant that has a precisely eclectic menu ranging from pizzas to short ribs. It is from the owners of Back Abbey so the food is delicious just like its counterpart (Back Abbey has one of the best burgers in the area). They have a wood burning oven inside next to the indoor dining room with a bocce ball court outside next to tons of outdoor dining (so they live and die by the weather). The interior and decor is very feng shui looking with the servers wearing V-necks and long white aprons, it is just the definition of a modern and trendy restaurant. All in all it's good concept with delicious food so if you get a chance stop by and at least play some bocce ball.

1/20/12- 21 Choices Chunky Snickers Bar Frozen Yogurt

This frozen swirl of tastiness is from my local frozen yogurt spot, 21 Choices. I have been going to this place since I was a young lad so it has certain type of nostalgia for me. The way it works is there is always chocolate and vanilla then there is four additional new flavors everyday. The number 21 represents the number of topping available, I believe that was the original number it has increased since. The prices are very reasonable ranging from $2.50 for the smallest and going up from there. Their flavors are always really creative with all kinds of different combinations, the circus animal cookie and root beer float come back frequently and are very delicious. There is two locations in Claremont, one in Pasadena and one at USC so if you haven't been check it out, you can always check the flavors ahead on the website too!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1/19/12- Bj's Balsamic Glazed Chicken

Let me start off by saying that this was a lot more tasty then it was visually appealing. I so often order quintessential bar food (burgers, fish tacos, and the like) or pizza at Bj's so this time I tried to switch it up something a little more on the fine dining side. What you see from left to right the balsamic glazed chicken, underneath is the cheddar mashed potatoes, onion straws, balsamic dressed salad and sautéed onions; which all made for delicious combination with just the right amount of acidity. That is the best part about Bj's is the variety on their menu, beer selection included. So next time you go to Bj's, branch out and order something different.   

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1/18/12- Dolce Cafe & Bakery Steak Fritte

That perfect combo is from Dolce Cafe & Bakery, a place that really does it all. Dolce Cafe is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, they do catering, they have an awesome salad bar at lunch time and they have a wide selection of baked goods all day long; there isn't much they don't do. Those kind of places usually make me skeptical but I was impressed here. I got the steak frite, which as you can see is just steak and fries (pomme frites is the french way of saying french fries) and it was delicious especially the horseradish sauce that came with it. Ever since I went to France steak & pomme frites has always had a place in my heart and although it wasn't as good as the original it was pretty damn good. So if you want anything from an omelete to eclair to chicken marsala check out Dolce Cafe and Bakery.

1/17/12- Ginza Bowl Medium Chicken Teriyaki Bowl

That bowl full of tasty goodness is from my favorite teriyaki place, Ginza Bowl . There is no other way to describe it, it is just really good teriyaki bowl. This one is the medium which is more than enough food for under $5 dollars but the large is a little more for a couple extra dollars. Ginza Bowl is your average Pomona take out place that has different teriyaki dishes, burgers and other random things on their menu (they have four chicken nuggets for $1, which are delicious). If you look on Yelp you find that other people share the same opinion with me- Ginza Bowl is the best teriyaki around, so if you haven't been there GO! NOW!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/16/12- The Habit Cheeseburger and Sweet Potato Fries

This duo is from The Habit Burger, which is a quick service burger restaurant that started in Santa Barbara but has grown to over 50 locations all across California. Their slogan is no substitute for quality and I must say it is a quality burger, definitely top three QSR burger. I went with sweet potato fries just to give them a shot and they were good, nothing too special. Their money maker is what they call char burger (either double or single) and you can add cheese, bacon and avacado for a $1 each if I remember correctly. Those three are what I call the flavor enhancers, they just make everything better especially burgers. So if you are looking for a quality burger combo for a reasonable price check out the Habit. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

1/15/11- Sirloin Steak, Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Mashed Potatoes

This is my last homemade creation which stemmed from me practicing cuts for my cooking class and making mashed potatoes out of the potatoes I had to julienne and bruniose. I am a meat and potatoes type whenever possible so I just grilled top sirloin steak that I seared in a pan then finished off in the oven to desired doneness. Then there's oven roasted brussel sprouts that were tossed in a little olive oil seasoned with a little salt and pepper. Lastly mashed potatoes made from scratch with butter, sour cream, salt, pepper and garlic powder added to taste. It is as simple as it gets for a great dinner.

1/14/12- Donut Man

Those fried servings of happiness are from the Cooking Channel acclaimed Donut Man and it definitely lives up to every single bit of hype that it is given. They are famous for their fruit filled donuts like the apple filled one above, they also have strawberry and peach when they are in season. They hands down make fantastic donuts but to make it even better they are open 24 hours, which makes it a great meal or snack any time of day. I got those two donuts above and that's the best maple bar I have ever had, so if you love donuts (I have no idea why you wouldn't) stop by Donut Man.

Friday, January 13, 2012

1/13/12- San Biago's Half White, Half Pepperoni Pizza

This circle shaped plate of happiness is a classical half and half large pizza from San Biago's that pleases them all. San Biago's is a local small family owned by a nice Italian family and they make great pizza. Mario Batali always say there is two types of people- Italians and people who want to be Italian, I am the latter. This place in my opinion is as close I can get to delicious sicilian style pizza at an affordable price. There is two upland locations but I always go to the original. It's just simply good pizza at a good price, check it out.

1/12/12- Brandon's Diner Patty Melt

This classic combo is from one of my favorite diners, Brandon's. They are your local small town diner that serving the diner classics, breakfast all day and all kinds of different mexican combos. My go to pick at diners is always the patty melt, it's just a classical and a slit alternative to always ordering a burger (like I so often do). Like I always say this dish isn't the only good thing on the menu, they have a trifold eclectic menu full of the classics. There is seven different locations all across the inland empire so if you ever want to go back to the basics check out Brandon's.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1/11/12- Camarones Casa Moreno

This dish is from the Claremont village restaurant Casa Moreno, which is a mix of traditional and contemporary Mexican cuisine (camarones meaning shrimp in Spanish). It is shrimp wrapped in bacon with cheese melted on top served and also tortillas served on the side as well. Whenever I see the words bacon wrapped it always has me at hello, so when I saw this on the menu I couldn't help but order it. You really can't go wrong with shrimp, bacon and cheese mix like this and it lived up to bacon wrapped hype. Every time I go to Casa Moreno I order something new and I haven't found a dish I didn't like yet. So if you are ever looking for a little more elevated mexican cuisine than average taco and enchilada combo check out Casa Moreno it's one of my favorites. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1/10/12- Subway Chipotle Chicken Footlong

The chipotle chicken is the Subway featured footlong for the month of January and I must say its worth the five dollars by far. Sometimes the five dollar footlong is a sorry excuse for a sandwich but this one is worth all five dollars. I really like Subway because I feel a little more healthy whenever I eat there; that feeling soon goes away by the next meal but it's alright. I get all the vegetables accept pickles as you can see above to make the sandwich even more worth while but everyone has their own way of making a subway sandwich. I will be posting the Subway five dollar footlong every month so stay tuned.

Monday, January 9, 2012

1/9/12- Chick-Fil-A Deluxe Buffalo Chicken Sandwich Combo

When it comes to drive-thru fast food Chick-Fil-A is about as good as it gets (at the very least second). They claim to be the inventor of the chicken sandwich and quite frankly in the fast food segment they do it the best. My favorite is the buffalo chicken sandwich (above) because I can't get enough spicy food but their grilled chicken sandwich is killer as well. But to top that all of they have six or seven awesome sauces including polynesian, buffalo and honey mustard, the best part is they don't charge you extra if you want more than one like other places.  Although it's a bit pricey compared to the other big fast food chains ($8-9 for a combo) it is definitely worth it so eat more chicken, its good for you and tasty.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

1/8/12- Cheesecake Factory's Cajun Chicken "Littles"

The dish is called Cajun chicken "littles" but there is nothing little about it. I went to Cheesecake Factory looking for a light lunch and not knowing what I got myself with this entree (ten Cajun chicken tenders, a mound of mashed potatoes and a healthy helping of corn succotash). Cheesecake Factory has a gigantic menu from everything from orange chicken to fish tacos to pasta carbona not to mention dozens of delectable cheesecakes. They always have great food and quick service, I always try to find a fault in Cheesecake Factory but I can't. They are one of the best chain casual dining restaurants out there so if you haven't been there in a while, go and try something new.