Monday, January 23, 2012

1/23/12- Split Pea Soup, Ratatouille, and Two Types of Green Beans

This nice little plate up is the final product of my professional cooking at Cal Poly Pomona. I find it to be pretty cool that when my friends are working on Physics and Calculus, I am studying the proper method to cook different types of produce. Last week we made a couple of the mother sauces and mayonaise so it wasn't anything blog worthy but this one had a little more substance. It was the vegetable cookery day so that is why there is only vegetables on this plate up. All of these recipes were very easy to follow and turned out pretty well, out of six groups we made the best ratatouille. The best part of it all is we back a full  portion, plate up a small taste and we get to eat the rest. I don't think very many people can say they learned how to make split pea soup in class but I can.

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