Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6/12- Chicken Plate Up in Professional Cooking

We are finally making full plate ups in class with a protein, starch and a vegetable as opposed to the the last time where it was a just soup and vegetables. This is grilled chicken, green beans and risotto, I predominantly made the risotto which ended up being the best one out of all the groups (I'm pretty proud of that). In the back if you look carefully is an herb & fontina cheese stuff airline chicken breast which was also delicious. It is really cool to be finally making full meals and then eating all your creations right after just in time for dinner. I never would of thought I would have a class where I learn who to make and then  eat awesome dishes like risotto but I guess that's the upside of being a hospitality major. But if you haven't tried a well made risotto you should as soon as possible because you are missing out, maybe I will make it for you if you ask nicely.

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