Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2/8/12- Lee's Grilled Pork Sandwich and Thai Tea

Ever since seeing the Nom Nom Truck on The Great Food Truck I have been trying to find the Banh Mi pork sandwich in other places with no knowledge of where it comes and I have found a couple since then including this one from Lee's Sandwiches. For some reason all Vietnamese style pork sandwiches are really cheap like $3 cheap and honestly I feel like as a delectable sandwich I really think they are selling themselves short but until they realize that I will gladly only pay a couple dollars for it. The sandwich consists of grilled pork, julienne carrots, cilantro and jalapeƱos and oh boy is it delicious (also like to add sriracha). Unfortunately this meal wasn't as cheap as I thought because for some reason the Thai Tea was $5 but I didn't mind that much because the sandwich was so cheap and it's a great combo. What I also realized is you can get these pork sandwiches at most Pho restaurants (which are everywhere as of lately), so if you haven't tried a Vietnamese pork sandwich try one it's the price to flavor ratio king hands down.   

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