Monday, January 21, 2013

Friends with Benefits

Not the type of friends with benefits you are thinking, I am talking about having a circle people that seem to know everyone and everything. So often people I hear people say its all about who you know, I am now finding that to be true- especially in the hospitality industry that I have chosen to make my career in. Just this past year I have been more involved in my college and I have found all the connections I can make just by being in the right places and talking to the right people. I have landed myself an internship, one of the most enriching and flexible jobs I have ever had, tons of free gifts and much more just for being in the right place. The great thing about being around people that know people is they notice my strengths and the word gets around, next thing I know my skills become in demand. It is great to be in the know and know people and I feel like I am just getting started. Not to toot my own horn but I people have been telling me how successful they think I am going to be. It is great to hear that from people who I have a lot of respect for. It also helps to have friends that have great stuff that they want to share with others.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome Back!

Ever since I stopped posting on my blog last February on daily basis I have been telling myself I would eventually get back into it. Well through the push of a couple people and a couple subjects to talk or complain I have finally made a new post. My culinary adventures have increased since the last time I was on here giving many opportunities for subject matter that could be considered "blog-worthy". I have went from taking my first real cooking class and still just serving tables in a restaurant to taking a couple advanced cooking classes and finally getting a chance to work in a real kitchen. With those opportunities have come many opportunities and challenges to go with them. I have found that I am not the all knowing culinary master that I once thought I was. It has been a very humbling experience getting a job as prep cook in a major chain restaurant. In addition to that experience in my cooking classes I have finally found things that are challenging to my knowledge and my capabilities, that isn't just burgers and steak that I cook at home. I think my idea of having a daily blog of the things I eat was way too ambitious and very unnecessary, let's be honest I don't eat enough cool food to do so anyway. So this post is the beginning of a different blog that is way for me to share the things I find, the things I eat and drink and things that I find interesting or challenging along way so I hope you find it interesting.