Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/15/12- Caffe Allegro Penne Explosive

Caffe Allegro is another one of those tiny little Italian places that I just really love, it seems so much more authentic when the restaurant only has ten tables. Fresh bread dipped in balsamic and olive oil is the only way to start off a meal like this and it only got better from there. Penne being my favorite type of pasta I often gravitate to it on the menu, this one was a good choice. Its a arrabiata (spicy) tomato sauce with spicy sausage with a little basil garnish on top, the Fettucine Carbanora that my mom got was also very good (I had the leftovers for breakfast the next day). The server wasn't very personable but it didn't affect the service too much, overall it was a nice experience. So if you can find more little Italian restaurants like this, go to them you will not be disappointed.

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